The Roll Of The U.S. Government
The Feds have their hands too deep in my personal life!
  I agree - Enough is enough. I want my freedom
  I disagree - We need more government to take care of us
  I'm unsure - I don't want to get involved
Political Correctness has damaged my natural right to freedom of speech!
  I agree - Enough is enough. The States and the People are under attack
  I disagree - Government's role is to protect us from each other
  I'm unsure - I don't want to get involved
The Fed's have their hands too deep in my pocket!
  I agree - Enough is enough. I want my money back
  I disagree - We need more government spending
  I'm unsure - I don't want to get involved
Is it time to start fresh? Would you support the Southern Red States in a move to withdraw and return Sovereignty to the States and their Citizens?
  Yes - It's time for a change before it's too late
  No - Keep the Union together at any cost
  I'm unsure - I don't want to get involved
(Survey expired on December 31, 2018)
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